Dog Care Tips for the Fall – Easy Pointers for Dog Owners as the Seasons Change

Dog Care Tips for the Fall – Easy Pointers for Dog Owners as the Seasons Change

The leaves are changing colour, the weather is starting to cool down, and your dog is probably starting to want to spend more time on longer walks. Holidays are beginning and all around Vancouver, the lower mainland, and all of British Columbia dogs and owners are preparing for the seasons to change.

Each year Jet Pet Resort publishes a quick and simple list of pointers, tips, and reminders – the Jet Pet Resort guide to Fall Dog Care – Tips to Help Your Pup Enjoy the Season of Fall. We are sure that you will find a tip or two to help make sure that both you and your dog enjoy a fun and safe fall!


Practice Safe Dog-walking at Night

Remember that the days are shorter, and your evening walks with your dog maybe become darker. Plan for a safe stroll by adjusting your walk schedule accordingly or accessorizing your pet with reflective gear. Stick to a familiar route in your neighbourhood when walking after dusk.


Shedding and Grooming

Make time to brush your pet weekly, if not daily, depending on your dog’s shedding habits. In the fall, pets begin shedding their summer coat to allow room for their winter coat. For many pet owners, this means pet hair on your couch, your clothes, and almost anywhere you can imagine. Brushing your pet will allow you to catch most of the unwanted hair before it ends up around your home.


Look at Leaves Differently

Fallen leaves that coat the ground can blanket sharp pebbles, burs, allergens and other substances you want your cat or dog to avoid. Keep a close eye on your pet for any signs of discomfort- especially after playing in a pile of fall foliage!


Get Out and Get Active

Often the summer heat finds Fido feeling a little lazy and maybe enjoying the air conditioning a wee bit much. Fall is the perfect season to get out and get active again! It is the perfect weather for dog walks and dogs parks. It’s important to ease into increased exercise to prevent injury. This is also a great time to brush up on your dog’s commands – and maybe learn a few new ones!


Safely Enjoy the Holidays 

Both Thanksgiving and Halloween are fall holidays that we tend to include our dogs in. Remember that if you are dressing your pup up for Halloween to keep it close and put reflective clothing on it. Keep an eye on the candy. Chocolate can be deadly to dogs, so make sure your children know to keep it out of reach. Food can become a problem during Thanksgiving as well. Look out for hungry pets eyeing the table! If you are decorating, remember that some dogs love chewing wires, so make sure that they are out of your dog’s reach.


Allergy Awareness

You dog is as susceptible as you to fall allergens. Keep leaves raked and grass cut short to eliminate irritation to your pet’s skin. If you see your pet itching more than usual, you might want to check with the vet to identify any possible allergies.


Ticks and Fleas

The fall months are known for all kinds of pests, the most common of which are fleas and ticks. Check your pet after coming indoors to make sure they aren’t bringing in any unwanted guests. Try to also be familiar with where your pets play.


Bundle Up

With the fall comes chilly days and colder nights. Smaller and older dogs should be watched closely during the cold months and kept as warm as possible.


Keep an Eye Out For Poisons

Winterizing your property may include putting out rodent traps or poisons. Keep yours out of reach, in case your pet decides to taste these out of curiosity. During the cooler months many people also begin to use antifreeze which is another extremely dangerous poison to pets. Prevent your dog from accidentally ingesting ethylene glycol by carefully storing antifreeze in its original container with warning labels, and out of reach of pets. Watch the ground carefully for any toxic spills if you’re walking your pet on a driveway or garage.

In Summation…

Fall is a magical season. The changes of the season awaken new smells and curiosities for your dog. With a little shared common knowledge, we hope that this list will assist everyone with enjoying fall with their favorite for-legged friend. And remember, all season long there are fun times to be had at Jet Pet Resort. With daycare available 7 days a week, there is never a reason that you couldn’t take a quick day trip and with 70+ rooms available we always have a suite ready for your dog for both short stays and long term stays.


Jet Pet Resort – Creating fun, memorable experiences for pets through loving, professional care.