dog care

sleepy puppy yawning

Puppy Lethargy and Related Sicknesses

Lethargy is a condition that results in a puppy being abnormally tired and sluggish. Puppies tend to have high energy levels and are known for being playful and full of life. When puppies are lethargic, they may sleep more than usual, have little to no

puppy skin conditions

Common Skin Conditions For a Puppy

As your puppies start to grow, you might start to notice unusual abnormalities on their skin. A puppy's skin is sensitive and susceptible to a variety of skin conditions that can look strange or concerning. If not treated properly, the condition could potentially become a

Why Bonding With Your Puppy Is Important

Puppy owners often worry about how to train their new furry friends. Luckily, puppies learn quickly and bond easily with their owners when given proper guidance and plenty of positive reinforcement. One of the most important aspects of puppy training is establishing a close and

holding a puppy

How to Handle a Puppy With Care

Handling a new puppy might feel strange and unfamiliar at first. They're small and curious and will likely squirm in your arms which might have you wondering, does my puppy like to be held? The answer depends on how you're handling them and how often.

When Can My Puppy Go Outside

When Can Puppies Go Outside?

Taking care of a puppy or puppies is one of the most sensitive things when it comes to keeping and caring for dogs. The most important thing is making sure that the puppies are safe.    However, even though it is easy to eliminate the dangerous things