
spring dog tips

Spring Tips For Dog Care

As the season changes and each day becomes increasingly nicer our four-legged friends naturally and instinctively want to spend more time outside. Jet Pet Resort has put together a quick list of tips to make sure that you and your dog get the most out

Dog Depression Signs, Symptoms, and Treatment

Dog Depression Doggie Depression Signs And Symptoms It is a fact that dogs display and share a wide variety of emotions. But did you know that your dog can actually become depressed? It’s true! A sharp decline in a dog’s energy is one sign of depression in

What does your dog’s body language mean?

While your dog can’t tell you what’s on their doggie mind, he or she can sure tell you a lot through their body language. Jet Pet Resort has put together a quick list to help you understand what your dog may be trying to tell

Useful Tips for Socializing Your Dog

Well-socialized dogs grow up to be friendly and happy in the company of people and other animals and make successful pets. Dogs are taken out regularly can take different situations in stride and enjoy going anywhere with their owners. A dog can be taught to

How To Choose a Vet for Your Pet

  Deciding on a vet for your pet is one of the most important decisions that a pet owner has to make. There are numerous considerations and at the end of the day, your decision will have a major impact on the future care your pet

Canuck Dogs Need Winter-Proofing Care.

How To Prep Your Dog For A Canadian Winter There’s no way to avoid a Canadian winter and just as you need to prepare yourself, your car and your home for the return of cold weather, it’s important to prepare your pet as well. Avoid Antifreeze One of

Fido Helping Veterans Suffering From PTSD

You’ve heard of a dog being referred to as man’s best friend, but what about a veteran’s best friend? There’s a growing movement in Canada to match specially trained canine companions with veterans suffering from long-term post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), brain injuries and other service-related impairments. Around

Our Home-like Environment For Your Pets

Our Home-like Environment For Your Pets “Thanks for making my Kitty feel at home. Really I can find that he really didn't miss me. So worried and anxious was I, when I left for the business trip.” These were the cat owners' words of appreciation