5 Thanksgiving Day Safety Tips For Your Dog

5 Thanksgiving Day Safety Tips For Your Dog


The entire home is filled with tantalizing aromas of turkey and all of the fixings while the Thanksgiving feast is prepared. As human senses are teased and awakened, how much more are a dog’s? A little extra attention to your dog during the festivities can make all the difference when celebrating Thanksgiving and make for a safer day. Jet Pet Resort has 5 quick tips to help you this year!

The Feast is For Humans

First off, resist the urge to feed your dog a turkey bone. Turkey bones are brittle and sharp and can easily become lodged in your dog’s throat or digestive system. Overindulging in fatty foods can lead to an upset stomach, diarrhea, or a life-threatening condition called pancreatitis. A few strips of turkey on a dog’s normal food is fine, but don’t overdo it, no matter how much they sympathetically beg. Keep in mind that turkey skin can wreak havoc with a dog’s digestive system, so make sure they get skinless, boneless turkey if you want to give them a special treat.

Update Pet ID and Collar

Because Thanksgiving is about spending time with loved ones, you may have numerous people coming and going throughout the day. If this is the case, it is a good idea to update your pet’s collar and make sure that your contact information is clear and easy to read in case Fido makes a break out the door while no one is watching! Here are our top 5 thanksgiving reminders.

Don’t Skip the Walk

For optimum health, best behaviour and minimizing distress, your dog should enjoy exercise as usual on Thanksgiving. If your dog does not miss his regular walks, grooming and personal attention, he will be most likely to remain calmer and more content throughout the festivities.

Deserts Can Be Deadly

Consider all the cookie and desserts offered during the holidays, many of which contain chocolate. Chocolate is dangerous for dogs in particular because it contains theobromine, a caffeine-like ingredient that can be toxic to your pet. Dogs are not able to metabolize theobromine as quickly as humans. Complications include: digestive issues, dehydration, excitability, and a slow heart rate

Tie Up the Trash

A typical Thanksgiving Day feast eventually leads to a ton of trash. Of course, greasy turkey-encrusted tin foil poses a particular temptation to a dog. Toothpicks, strings and other items used in turkey preparation can also become attractive nuisances to a canine.

So there you have it, a few easy tips to help make your Thanksgiving holiday a little safer for your dog, and perhaps even give you better peace of mind. Of course next year, you could always bring your dog to Jet Pet Resort for daycare or an overnight stay. Our guests will be enjoying their own Thanksgiving celebration with the staff this year. Have a great holiday and we hope to see you soon.