Top 5 Pointers For Immediate Care During Accidental Pet Emergencies

Top 5 Pointers For Immediate Care During Accidental Pet Emergencies

Emergency Pet Care Tips

Jet pet resort offers a set of top 5 pointers that can help you take immediate care of your pet during emergencies and crises.

Electric shock:

In case your pet receives an electrical shock by a power socket or other means and is knocked down unconscious, the first thing you must do without delay is to unplug the connectivity. Massage the heart and blow hard into his or her mouth (mouth-to-mouth resuscitation) in order to stimulate the process of respiration. Check the heart sound; as long as the heart is beating there’s always a chance to revive back its normal respiratory process.

Insect Stings:

If your pet suddenly gets an insect sting (bee or wasp), there’s nothing much to worry about if the attacks are not very severe. Easy relief is provided through warm compresses with sodium bicarbonate. It is essential that your pet should be given antihistamine injection in order to relieve inflammation/ swelling. If you live in area with a lot of ticks, we wrote an article on how to survive tick season for you to read.

Fleas, though not strictly an “emergency”, can still make your pet uncomfortable. We strongly recommend you follow your veterinarian’s advice when it comes to flea removal, but if you’re looking to naturally prevent and remove fleas, we go over 30 ways to do it.


Simple diarrhea is usually caused by overeating and/or indigestion. The wrong food can also lead to diarrhea, where the symptoms are loose stool with normal colour and foul smell, sometimes, accompanied by vomiting. In certain animals, an abrupt change in food and environment that enhances the mental stress, may cause diarrhea. The first thing you should do is to stop giving him milk and milk products. Control feeding; a bland diet that includes stuff like rice or macaroni is highly recommended. Diarrhea leads to dehydration; hence water is an important component. If your pet suffers a bloody diarrhea or blood vomit, please consider that as a serious issue of concern and immediate veterinary attention should be sought.

Fractures and dislocations:

Fractures and dislocations are quite common in younger pets when the bones and joints are still soft. An X-ray should be made in order to identify the condition and place of fracture(s) and dislocation(s). Mild hot compresses are recommended and no aspirins should be administered if you are not a professional vet. Consult a vet and get the prescribed medicines.


This is found often times especially with pets in the tropical region during the summer. Heatstroke prevention is better than trying to find a treatment. It is advisable not to keep your pet inside a parked vehicle – not even for a few moments. Lack of proper ventilation, high humidity and high temperature are the major causes of heat strokes. The symptoms of heat strokes in dogs or cats are abnormal panting, weakness, cannot stand, disorientation and dilated pupils that give a blank look. In the worst situation, the tongue turns blueish, and the pet tends to suffocate. Immediately shift your pet into fresh air and in a cool place. Spray cool water or immerse the pet in cool water and use convection cooling with high-speed fans.

