pet safety

10 Winter Safety Tips for Cats and Dogs

As winter sets in the days become shorter, the temperature drops and the snow starts to fly. Some cats and dogs will be curious - enjoying every chance to have fun outside while others will prefer the warmth of the house. For you as a

5 Thanksgiving Day Safety Tips For Your Dog

The entire home is filled with tantalizing aromas of turkey and all of the fixings while the Thanksgiving feast is prepared. As human senses are teased and awakened, how much more are a dog's? A little extra attention to your dog during the festivities can

Canuck Dogs Need Winter-Proofing Care.

How To Prep Your Dog For A Canadian Winter There’s no way to avoid a Canadian winter and just as you need to prepare yourself, your car and your home for the return of cold weather, it’s important to prepare your pet as well. Avoid Antifreeze One of