
What To Do With My Dog or Cat While On Winter Vacation?

Figuring out the right pet boarding solution during winter travel can mean the difference between a relaxing vacation and one where you are in a constant state of worry. Thoroughly researching the safety and reliability of your dog or cat boarding options in Vancouver, Richmond

Top 10 New Years Resolutions For Dog Owners

This New Year, take a few moments to look at how you can make a few small changes around improving your dog’s health and happiness. Here are 10 easy New Year’s resolutions to help improve your dog's health, happiness and the relationship you have with

10 Winter Safety Tips for Cats and Dogs

As winter sets in the days become shorter, the temperature drops and the snow starts to fly. Some cats and dogs will be curious - enjoying every chance to have fun outside while others will prefer the warmth of the house. For you as a

Does My Dog Need A Winter Sweater?

While many people believe that since a dog is an animal with its own external layering system, there is little reason to even consider such an idea. However, depending on the breed of your dog, the location in which you live, and how often your